A downloadable Bot Software

This project is being submitted to the Discord Bot Jam | https://itch.io/jam/dsc-bot-jam

To invite the bot to your server, click this link! | https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=843115042651897917&scope=bot&perm...

Eco-Today Bot is a revolutionary new type of bot that sends news... Updated in Real-Time!
With the simple command $news, 35 different articles that are posted on the front page of https://www.cnbc.com/world-economy/ will also be posted in the channel in which the command is used! The website uploads multiple articles a day, and all updates made to the articles/changes in articles will be reflected in the bot!
(The command posts a lot of texts, embeds, and links. But all of the articles are in order starting from the top and going down. Since the bot has to post so much text, it can take up to a minute for the bot to fully post all 35 news articles. Please give it time and enjoy!)

Commands | Bot Prefix is $

  • $help
  • $commands
  • $news
  • $credits

This bot took a lot of work, and time. If you experience any bugs/errors please message H1atus#7785 or Reggie#2888

Please enjoy our wonderful bot :)